


今日は家族で羽村市動物公園に行きました。2回目。前回は寒い時期に行ったからすぐ帰ってきてしまったが、天気の良い日に行くのは最高。ここの動物園は家から車で30分で着けるし、入場料は大人300円と安いし、しかもキリンやシマウマ、蛇、たくさんのサルや鳥、ミーアキャット、トナカイ、フクロウ、モルモットやヒヨコのふれあいコーナーもあるし、トーマスなどの幼児用乗り物もあるなど、結構本格的。食べる所がないから持参したお弁当を持って行く人も多いので節約にもつながるし。駐車場は300円。本当に改めて家計に助かる動物園と感心。子供たちも久しぶりの動物園に大喜び。今日は人生初めてヒヨコのふれあい体験をした。沢山いるヒヨコの中から可愛いくて大人しそうな子を選んで手に乗せて膝の上へ。頭をよしよしして撫でた。可愛い~(^^)/ これがニワトリになるのかと思うと信じられないなと思った。あと、面白かったのは混合飼育。うさぎと亀が同じ場所にいたりとか。サルエリアになぜかポツンとイノシシが1匹いたりとか(^^)/

 Today, my family enjoyed Hamura Zoo since cold season last year when we could not stay long time at the time. It was fine today so it was comfortable. We are fully satisfied with a variety of reasons such as we can arrive only 30 minutes by car, it is cheap entrance fee with 300yen per adult, there are many kinds of animals like giraffe, zebra, snake, monkey, birds, meerkat, reindeer, owl, and guineapig/chik in the petting firm. Zoo has further attarction for baby. And there is almost no restaurant so visitor should make luch box leading to money-saving( parking fee is just 300yen). My sons were so excited to be able to see animal so close and touch guinea pig and chik. My youger son had been looking forward to see snake which is most favorite one for him. He looked like so delightful. pedtting chik was my first experience in my life. She or he was so cute. I selected one seemed to be well-behaved one and scooped it up and put it on my knee

I petted its head gently for a while. it is so cute. He/she seemed to be relaxed and comfortable at the same time, I felt curious this cute one would be chiken someday. 

Other interesting features offered by zoo is species-mixed housing. For example, rabit and turtle are same area, or you can find one boar in the area where there lots of monkeys. It is intresting. 
