



今日明日も営業は参加で大変だ~ 幸い自分は昨日一日だけで免れたけど。


I participated into booth in exibition with our company sales team spending the same space from early morning to early evening where mood were so tense due to severe business negotiation with visitors. Sales team has to go to there until sunday, I feel that it seems to be tough job. But I felt they talked to visitors in a lively way, very motivated. They seemed to enjoy to be there which makes me alone and feel lonely even if I was in the same space..  I was shocked by their knowledge about our product and the ability of oral communication with visitors who were doctor, so they used a lot of jargons. But they can respond to it. It is respecable. 



We went Fuchu city forest park for the first time while it was raining some times.  We enjoyed and got excited much more than we expected. Although there were a variety of playground euipment such as a slide, a swing, engine(EV) kart, a stepping kart and so on. Most favorite thing for my children was the stepping kart. They enjoyed very much going around the course several times. We thought we spend all the day in summer since there are other attraction such as pool, splash pad, fountain. 


もうすぐ30代も終わりか~ 早かったな~ 






My 30's will soon end. It passed very quick. I has regret emotion that i could not dedicate myself on specific job because I repeated job change many many times resulting in making my family and relatives bothered and worried about me. so, I has resolution that from now on, I will work and do my best for absorbing knowledge about my work as much as possible in next ten years(My 40's ). 







Last year, I could not update new blog frequently due to I felt bothering about it and felt tired after finishing work, so I made up my mind on updating blog when I become to want to write about it. I suppose new year will cover my life with one color: working since I got out of probation period. I became full time worker at current company. I will be in charge of more responsible work this year. so, from Jan. 1st I did job at Mac near my home, even today now. 


12月から始まるASKAのライブのチケット、売れ残っているなー。 脱退騒動でかなりASKA離れが発生しただろうなー。自分もそのうちの一人。ASKAの曲はやっぱりいいのは認める。だからこれからも You tubeとかでは聞くだろう。でも高いお金払ってまで会いたいとは思わなくなってしまった。やっぱりCHAGEが可哀そうだし、ASKAの傲慢さ、おごり高ぶりが気に食わない。でもこれまで作ってきた曲には責任はない。いいものはいいことは認めよう。

The sales for ASKA's concert scheduled from Dec. has been not good. There are so huge tickets left unsold. Since he left from bands, a lot of aska's fun people kept away from him. I am one of them. I admit his songs are very good. I will continue to listen to his music. But, I never go to his concert paying an luxury ticket. Ifeel so Chages feeling. I can not neglect his arrogance and attitude for chage.I think music itself has nothing to do with this matter. I admit 

ミレイ ファーストライブ

丁度今頃ミレイのファーストライブが終わってお客さんが余韻に浸っているころだろうなー 結局行けなかったか~残念だ~ 誰かのブログでも明日見つけて読んでみよう。それにしても昨日の夜、チケットが5000円で売りに出されていたとは!


I suppose Milet first live has just ended now. Audience should be enjoy it and in good mood. I am frustrated that I could not go to there. I will find someone's Blog writing about her concert. I found today that yesterday a ticket was sold in 5,000yen. If I had found that, I should have purchased it. I am very disappointed.



 We went to Showa memorial park in Tachikawa since long time ago. I enjoyed out of expectation. It has a lot of fun attraction such as play area for children, boat lake, very tasty restaurants. I didnt think that entry fee of 450yen was not high.  We look forward to summer season with pool and then drinking beer.