


最近はまって聴いているのがmilet。洋楽を取り入れたおしゃれな曲って感じ。どれもいい曲ばかりです。お気に入りベストワンは"Again and Again"、二番は"us"、三番は"Wonderland"かな。毎日YoutubeでMVを見ていて、可愛いいし、綺麗だし、声が低い音域も高い音域も両方魅力的。久々にはまったアーティストだな~

Recently, I am addicted to milet whose songs are so fashinable like western music. All of her songs are so great. My favorite one is Again and Again followed by "us" and " Wonderland". I watch her Music Video on Youtube every day. She is cute, beautiful and her voice is very attractive on both low and high part. I could find any attractive artist after a long time.