


今日は大ファンであるASKAが剣道の大会に出場するという事で日本武道館まで応援に行きました。6:30に起きて9時から始まる開会式に行くつもりだったが、疲れていて寝坊。8:30に起床~ 結局会場に着いたのは10:45くらい。でもASKAの試合は午後からだったみたいでセーフ。12時10分から13:00までお昼休憩。出場選手も観客席に移動してお弁当を食べます。まさかASKAはこちらの席には来ないよねと思っていたら、なんとASKAも普通に観客席に上がってきてお弁当食べてます!!!\(◎o◎)/!ビックリ!こんなに近くでASKAが談笑している姿が見れるとは!観客は無料で入れて自由に空いている席に座れるシステムなので、これはASKAの近くに行かねばと、ASKAが休憩を終えて通るだろう通路近くの、同じく追っかけファンが集まっている周辺で待つことに。そして、休憩時間が終わり、しばらくして、ASKAがたちあがり、ぼくらのすぐ前を通りすぎていきました。本当に幸せです。こんなに近くでASKAをみられたのははじめてです。コンサートも、いつも後ろの方で見ていたので今日は最高の日です。ASKAの試合もかっこよかったです!あいにく2回戦で負けましたが、剣道の試合を見るのも初めてだったので、この雰囲気も味わえてよかったです。なんとも充実した日だったな~

Today, I went to Nippon budokan to cheer for Aska who participated for Kendo tournament ( It is a traditional Japanese style fencing match). I was going to wake up at 6:30 so as to get in time for 9:00 o'clock opening ceremony, but overslept. I woke up at 8:30. After all, I arrived in Budokan at 10:45. But, I was lucky because Aska's match was not conducted( It would start afternoon). All the prayers also took rest at the audience stand during lunch time from 12:10 to 13:00. I was thinking Aska should take rest at the different place. But, Aska made an apperance in the audience stand!  and sat down in one of chair talking with his staff and friends and eating Obento. Unbelievable scene I witnessed in such a near distance, Very close! Audience can enter the stand free of charge and sit whichever sheet. So, it was chance to get close to ASKA. I moved to aistle that ASKA would pass through after finishing the lunch time. And that time has come. I was excited, a tlittle bit nervous and my heart was so beaten when he stood up and came to us. He passed through in front of us. It was extremely happy time. I have never seen him in such a closing place. I had seen him from faraway at music concert so far. Today it was wonderful time for me to see Kendo tournament first time in my life too.