




もう1社の結果は十中八九落ちているだろう。筆記試験ができなかったんだよね。しかも恥ずかしいことに分数の掛け算ができなかった。学校で習ってから数十年、一度も業務で使わないと忘れてしまうわなー と言いわけを言いつつも内心超恥ずかしい~

I had final step interview for job vacancy in 2 companies the other day. I have been waiting the result. One was done on This Monday. Since then, I have been waiting for four days. It is my first priority. So, I feel so long time to wait for 4 four days. I tend to check my mail every several minutes. During the interview, I was praised about my skill, experience for job from the interviewer and he said to me " we would like you to enter into our company. I thought that I will be absolutely getting job offer. In my opinion, such a company that seems to think of me as suitable application for their company will soon contact me maybe next day after a job interview. But, Once 4 days passed, my feeling also got changed. Now despair mood. I suppose they could find another more suitable applicant. By the way, the other company I took job interview, I will be absolutely turned down because I could not answer the multiple of fractions.  I feel a shame. Althought  I have not seen it since I graduated from school several decades ago. It is just my excuse. I am ashamed of me.