




肉体を酷使した代償としての対価だから本当に、働いた時間、きつかった時間の一秒一秒がこのお給料の結晶なのだとしみじみ感じた。昨日の仕事は印刷物(商品パンフレット)をいくつか重ねて封入する仕事だったので、一見すると肉体労働ではないと思うかもしれないけど、作業する机の位置が男性からすればとても低い位置にあったので、腰をかがめた変な姿勢でで作業しなくてならず、腰から背骨に負担がかかり、筋肉痛になってしまった。となりで作業していた学生さんは、ヘルニア持ちらしくて、辛そうだったな~(*´з`) 給料をもらってふと思い出したのが、大学生時代にやっていたコンサートや、イベント会場で案内係をやる派遣スタッフ。あの時も給料もらいに派遣会社の事務所に行っていたな~ あの頃は就職氷河期で有効求人倍率が1.0を切ったからね~。さあ来週もバイト頑張ろうっと!

Today is payday for my two working days! Furthermore, I can get cash directly from Agency. I am very glad.  I had been looking forward to coming today. I can get money for painful long time working and overuse of my body. This money is a crystal of one second, one second of hard time. Yesterday's work was to stack a variety of brochures and put into the envelope, so it seems to be not physical painful job, but the position of desk we work it was so low. For the men, we should bend back a little bit forward. It was so backpain and for neck. A student working next to me had hernia, so he looked like painful. By the way, this payday reminds me of myself who had worked as event stuff when I was a university student. I used to go to agency office to get salary same as today. At that time, it was Job Ice Age which the ratio of job openings to job applicants was under 1.0.  I am going to work next week.