


今日は災難というか、近くのバス亭で息子と二人でバスをベンチに座って待っていた所、息子が顔を上げた時、偶然自分の口もとが息子の頭とガチンと当たり、口から顎の辺りの痛みがひどく、うずくまってしまった。そして見ると、唇からポタポタ血が地面に滴り落ちている。流血が止まらない! びっくりするほど次から次へと真っ赤な血がポタポタポタポタ地面に落ち、あっという間に地面が真っ赤に染まってしまった。



Today was unlucky hit me. I waited for bus coming at nearest bus stop from my house with my son. We were siting on the bench. After a while, when he raised his face, my jaw got bumped with his head and felt strong pain around my mouth and jaw and crouched down. I found heavy bleeding from my lower lip. Blood was dripping on the ground one after another. It didn't stop to make the ground red. My son who saw this scene was so scary and blamed himself for this happening and cried loudly. After a while, the bleeding could stop by using towel put onto my mouth. I found a severe cut on my lower lip. I talked to my mother about it. It turned out that my mother did same thing and said to me, She also was shocked to see how much amount of bleed was dripping.