




Our family spent as usual Saturday schedule. We went to preschool-class providing early childhood education. After getting back to home, we took a nap and then had dinner and had children take a bath. After that, we played for a while. But I found that my younger child seemed strange. He kept quiet and went to bed and never came out of there.  I took his temperature and it was 39.3 degrees!!! I rushed to search into any night hospital and took him to there. Sicne recently my mother-in-law had been infected with hemolytic streptococcus,  I had him check it but test result was negative. A pediatrician said that he was just caught a cold. I was relieved to hear that. I received an antifevrile. 

There were lots of patients at the hospital even if long holidays have just started, I felt each person is under each situation and I was taught the value of the presence of night hospital during holiday. Thank you!