

ラーメン エース

今日は令和になって初めてラーメン屋さんに行きました。近所のラーメンエース。二郎系ですね。ここは食べログには最寄り駅が西八王子駅となっているけど、歩くと1時間はかかるんじゃないかという距離。しかし地元の人や、近くにある工学院大学の学生に愛され毎日行列が絶えない店。夜の部18時に行って早くも店内一杯。ラーメン少な目を注文。妻はミニラーメンを注文。僕はニンニクとアブラをありにしてもらい、野菜を少な目で注文。久しぶりに食べたけど、美味しかった~ 約3週間ぶりのラーメンは最高。スープは乳化された濃厚豚骨スープ。たれの塩辛さもちょうどよい。お肉はでっかいのが2塊。そしてぶよぶよした触感の極太麺。やっぱりこのラーメンにはニンニクが合う~(^^)/ 妻は二郎系のラーメンは初めてで、どんな感想を持つか不安だったけど、満足したみたいで完食!やっぱりニンニクが効いていてそれが良かったって。


My wife and me visited Ramen shop for the first time in new Reiwa era. shop named Ace is located near my house, but Taberogu site describe the Nishihachiouji station as nearest station. But, If a person try to walk from station, it would take more than an hour.

Nevertheless, it make long line everyday which are occupied almost by local people and students of Kogakuin university which is located near the shop. We arrived there at 18 o'clock but already full of people at the shop. I ordered ramen with a small portion including topping like garlic, back fat and less portion of vegetable(almost bean sprouts) while wife ordered mini portion ramen including topping like garlic and less betable. 

It was so tasty and yammy. I ate ramen at a ramen shop for the first time in three weeks. I was impressed the taste. The emulsified soup was so thick type and good salty level with two big lump of meat. I like the thick, chewy texture noodle. And it is noteworthy that my wife liked it very much leaving a ramen bowl totally empty. I was worried about if she would be unsatisfied or leave almost ramen since this was first try for her. She liked the taste of garlic which is must option.

 By the way, Master would enjoy the ra-men life seeing long line every day.f:id:hachitomo:20190504004331j:plain